7. Jo Spence & Response


Jo Spence was a British Photographer. In the 1970's she focused her photography more on documentary photography. Many of her own photographs were self-portraits that documented her struggle with cancer. She became known for her politicised approach to her art form, exploring topics such as Feminism.

Jo Spence battled with breast cancer and she documented her journey with it. I find the whole concept of documenting a sensitive subject intriguing and I am really inspired by her as an artist. Jo Spence shows bravery in her photography as she is putting herself out there. This photograph below caught my eye, firstly because of the blank expression on her face. I like that this photograph battles identity as she is exposed completely showing her breasts. Because of what she is fighting it has changed her identity. She is no longer the person she was before. The fact that her breast has been labeled "property of Jo Spence" This shows how she has battled with herself as to whom her breasts belong to. Her breasts are no longer owned by her when she hands them over to the doctor's to sort her out, or so she thinks which is why she has felt the need to label herself confirming to herself that she is her own property and no part of her will ever belong to anyone else. This is then looked upon in a feminist attitude as a feminist will believe that a woman is her own person and she is not to be objectified or labeled or cast into being owned by somebody or something. Jo Spence does not belong to her breast cancer and she does not belong to medical research. 
I like that this photograph isn't in colour as it represents the struggle she is facing. When I initially look at this photograph my eye wanders from the text on her breast to her covered eyes.

This photograph of Jo Spence's is very powerful in articulating her thoughts and feelings towards what it is that she is facing. She is fighting breast cancer and is clearly struggeling. The impact of the hugging of the teddy bear is so interesting as it shows she is reminiscent of her younger carefree days. There is also a sense of innocence that is evident in this photograph, she Is naked but not in a way that makes it sexual and she is finding her comfort in a child's toy which also shows innocence. The angle in which this photograph was taken is interesting as it's an unusual angle. It's almost as if she has caught herself off guard capturing all of her true and un-staged emotion during this fight against cancer.

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